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Question Contest Entries-- The question are in! Still feel free to enter a question whenever you would like!

Some Questions are in, and answers have been given. Here are some of the questions that I have recieved:

1. From Miss Alison Her blog:

Her Question:How many years does it typically take for an "outdated" fashion to come back in? For example, I'm seeing a lot of 80s styles sort of making themselves seen again. Thats about 20 year. Is that typical?

My Answer: Dear Alison,
Thank you for your question. I am certainly going to put this one on my blog. Well, I would say you are right about 20-30 years. Some examples are that in the 70s, 1940s inspiration was shown in the wide leg pants (30 years); also in the 80s, 1950s fashion were a big inspiration EX: the full skirts belted at the waist, were popular in the 50s and came back in the 80s (30 years). Also another possible reason that we are taking inspsiration from the 80s fashion is because the last recession was in the 80s and since were are ina similar time trend-setters may be looking back to the80s and that recession for support or for a new inspiration. What I just said about the recession may be 100% wrong but, I could see how it might me somewhat accurate. Thanks again for your question, I hope this helped to answer your question.
All the best,
Emma (Madame Couture)

From Miss Phoebe, Her blog:

Her Question: Dearest Madame Couture,
I have my question right here.
Do you think vintage will come back in? I have noticed ALOT of vintage in fashion shows. I am a huge vintage fan so it would be great to see vintage come back in.

My Answer: Dear Phoebe,
Thanks for your question.I think vintage has already come back in. Just look around you, and you will see vintage. Most people do not wear a whole outfit of vintage but, many vintage pieces can be seen. Common vintage pieces seen in an outfit are: purses, hats, coats, and shoes. I hope this helps to answer your question.

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